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Why Smart Locks & Automation Are the Key to a Profitable Kayak Rentals?

Are you a business owner dreaming of launching a successful kayak rental service? Or perhaps you’re already in the game but looking to boost your revenue and streamline operations? Then you know the challenges: managing bookings, handling payments, ensuring equipment security, and dealing with the logistics of keys and staff. What if you could eliminate these headaches and create a seamless, profitable customer experience? The answer lies in smart, automated solutions.

Common Challenges in Running a Kayak Rental Business

Managing a kayak rental business can be rewarding, but it also comes with challenges such as:

High operational costs –
Manual check-ins and staff-dependent operations limit profitability.

Limited rental hours –
Customers can only rent during business hours, reducing revenue potential.

Security concerns –
Unattended kayaks are prone to theft or unauthorized use.

Complex booking and payment handling –
Managing reservations and payments manually can be inefficient.

TheiShare: The Smart Way to Run Your Kayak Rental Business

Imagine a world where your customers can book their kayak, Paddleboard or even SUP board rental service 24/7, access their equipment using a digital cable lock for kayak or SUP board, and return it just as easily. No more waiting in lines, no more lost keys, and no more staffing hassles for basic rentals.

With TheiShare’s contactless, automated kayak rental solution, you can eliminate these challenges and create a profitable, scalable rental business. Here’s how:

1. Maximize Bookings & Revenue with 24/7 Contactless Rentals

TheiShare’s smart lock system and mobile app allow customers to rent a kayak anytime. A dynamic pricing feature allows you to adjust rental prices based on demand, season, and special events, ensuring you get the most out of every rental. Additionally, you can attract more customers with promotions, packages, and loyalty programs.

2. Reduce Theft & Ensure Security with Smart Locks

Security is a major concern for rental businesses. Say goodbye to worries about theft or misplaced equipment. With TheiShare’s smart lock technology, only verified users can access the kayaks. Each rental session is logged, minimizing the risk of theft, vandalism, or unauthorized usage. Smart cable locks for kayak rentals offer superior protection compared to traditional methods. Customers can safely store their belongings, such as bags, wallets, phones, in our Smart Storage Lockers at Kayaks Rental Station while they enjoy their rental experience

3. Seamless, Automated Booking & Payments

Forget manual bookings and cash handling! With TheiShare’s easy-to-use app, customers can:

Reserve a kayak online

Make cashless payments securely

Receive instant access via smart locks for both business owners and renters.

4. Scale Your Business Without Increasing Staff Costs

Hiring staff to manage rentals can be expensive and inefficient. TheiShare’s automated system allows you to scale your kayak rental business by adding more locations without needing additional employees. More kayaks, more customers, more revenue—without extra costs.

5. Improve Customer Experience with a Convenient, Self-Serve Model

Modern customers prefer on-demand services and digital convenience. TheiShare’s user-friendly mobile app allows them to book, unlock, and return kayaks seamlessly, enhancing customer satisfaction and encouraging repeat bookings.

Making the Smart Switch: iShare is Your Solution

iShare offers cutting-edge solutions for businesses looking to implement smart locks for kayak rentals and automate their operations. Our platform provides everything you need to manage your kayak rental service, paddleboard rental business, or SUP board rental service effectively, including:

User-Friendly 24/7 Booking System
Customers can easily book their rentals online, anytime, anywhere.

Secure Smart Locks
Industry-leading smart lock technology for security and easy access. Our kayak safety locks are designed for durability and ease of use.

Integrated Payment Processing
Seamless digital payments to eliminate cash-handling issues

Real-Time Monitoring
Track your rentals, monitor equipment availability, and receive alerts, all from one central dashboard.

Flexible Customization
Tailor the platform to your specific business needs and branding.

Looking to Start or Improve a Kayak Rental Business?

Whether you’re launching a brand-new kayak rental business or looking to boost your existing one, smart technology is your key to success. Choose a prime location, invest in quality equipment secured with kayak locks, and a streamlined rental process powered by TheiShare Smart Rental Solutions. Prioritize a seamless customer experience with easy online booking and convenient access. Grow your rental business smoothly and profitably while protecting your assets with smart security solutions. Ready to take your rental business to the next level?

Start Your Smart Kayak Rental Business Today!

Don’t let outdated rental models limit your business potential. With TheiShare’s automated kayak rental solution, you can increase bookings, reduce costs, enhance security, and scale effortlessly. Book a Demo today to take your kayak rental business to the next level.

smart locker rentalCategoriesNews

Why should people go for our Smart locker rental?

The iShare is a smart locker rental service that offers an innovative solution for safe and convenient storage of personal belongings.The service is designed to cater to the needs of a wide range of customers, including students, travelers, and individuals who require secure storage for their valuable items.

With iShare, customers can conveniently rent lockers for short-term or long-term storage, depending on their needs. The website offers a range of locker sizes and types to choose from, so customers can select the right option based on their storage requirements.

Here are the benefits of using our Smart locker system in your company.

Enhanced safety- While physical key locking must be changed by a locksmith, TheiShare Smart locker rental accessibility can be cancelled via cards or apps with the touch of a button if the locker entry mechanism is lost or stolen. Additionally, safety can view who accesses which locker or when giving a continuous audit trail. Traditional lockers are unable to accomplish this, which raises concerns with tracking and storing.

Increase productivity by automating operations- With the extra advantage of gathering usage information and generating logs, our Smart locker rental simplifies many of the time-consuming activities involved in tracking specific shipments and assets. Processes for managing assets and delivering packages manually take time and are subject to mishaps. By substituting tracking dashboards and real-time reports for spreadsheets and planned audits, our smart locker system helps your organization prevent costly errors.

Assemble business intelligence- Each time a locker door is opened; a smart locker collects and transmits business intelligence. When combined, smart lockers with tracking systems can offer analytics and information analysis to assist find and fix problems, improve the working environment for employees, and streamline processes.

Businesses of all shapes and sizes are deploying TheiShare  Smart locker rentals to control shipments and valuables across the whole custody chain and obtain insights into varying volumes, shifting demands, and unusual movements.

Give your staff the experiences they want- In today’s digital environment, if your company isn’t providing the accessible, on-demand services that your employees want, they might choose to work for a company that does.

By proving to your staff that you appreciate their time, our Smart locker rentals solutions assist lower turnover. At the service desk or mail center, there is no longer a line. Instead, customers get a notice telling them when their asset or package is available for collection from TheiShare smart locker, and they proceed to pick it up whenever it’s convenient for them.

Encourage remote workers- By providing 24/7 contactless access to computer hardware, gear, documentation, and various business-related assets, TheiShare Smart locker rentals for companies will assist enterprises in maintaining health and safety requirements and enable remote workers.

Overall, iShare is a highly convenient and secure smart locker rental service that offers a range of benefits for customers. With its innovative technology, flexible rental options, and user-friendly website, iShare is an ideal storage solution for anyone looking for safe and reliable storage of personal belongings.

kayak locking systemCategoriesNews

How to begin with a Kayak rental business?

It may be a wonderful experience to run a canoe as well as a kayak rental business. With TheiShare kayak rental concept, you can socialise with wonderful people, take advantage of nature, and continue to practise a passion project. However, there are many important matters that you must attend to if you wish to begin a canoe or kayak company. Here are some tips we are giving you to guide you the best.

What does a kayak rental company do?
People can rent canoes and kayaks from our kayak rental company and utilise the boats in waterways. Although many individuals like this sport, not everyone is able to afford to acquire a kayak or canoe. And this is where sharekayak comes into play.

Customers can rent canoes or kayaks from our company by the hour or the entire day. While businesses in this industry often operate close to seaside hotels, attractions, or outdoor areas, these services from our company can be found online.

Follow the steps if you wish to start a kayak rental business

1. Set up the business plan
Your choice of canoe and kayak Rental Company should be one of your first considerations. Some seaside hotels and local marinas work together to hire out canoes and kayaks. The benefit of using this strategy is it allows you to give your company a prominent placement. The drawback is that you’ll have to divide profits. If you can guarantee there will be sufficient foot traffic to make a sizable profit, this method might work. If you want to rent Kayaks, visit our websites, and get the best deal with TheiShare.
A kayak rental service only succeeds if there are sufficient clients, even if renting a property at a seaside location can be pricey. For a kayak company to guarantee consistent customer flows, a location close to a coastline is the best option. Become our potential clients to speed up your own business.

2.Search for the location
The location of a business is among the most crucial considerations. An ongoing flow of clients is necessary for making a profit and TheiShare will give your that confidence. It’s crucial to locate a spot that will bring in foot traffic.

3.Research the business market
Before starting a kayak rental business, industry research is crucial. You must comprehend the nature and goals of your clients. Will you accommodate those who enjoy taking a break and enjoying time on the lake close to a city? Or will your target market consist of travellers seeking a fun day out? All these can seem to be daunting. Do not worry, if you get the rental assistance with sharekayak.

Your rental inventory will be determined by the potential activities. So, learn all you can about the kayak market in your area and discover where you fit in.
So if you are thinking about this business and wondering if you can buy or rent Kayak, then sharekayak is your solution. Make a wise decision, and go for kayak rental, for your rental business, and make a huge profit for your business.

Smart bike lock systemCategoriesNews Review sharing service Smart lock

Teknikveckan – Cykeldelning för cykelägare!

Cykeldelning för cykelägare

The­iShare har bör­jat göra verk­lighet sin bril­jan­ta idé om att dela med sig av sin cykel. Att sto­ra före­tag har hyrt ut cyk­lar har fun­nits länge men Junaid Joosani bakom The­iShare vill att även vi som äger cyk­lar ska kun­na låna ut våra dem. 

The­iShare har i dagsläget egna cyk­lar i Upp­lands Bro som ingår i en del­ningspool och fler platser är plan­er­ade framöver.

The­iShare har tre oli­ka lås att väl­ja mel­lan beroende på behov. Det förs­ta är ett helt van­ligt bygel­lås, det andra är ett ked­jelås där båda ked­jeän­dar­na fäster i låsanord­ning och det tred­je är en lik­nande kon­struk­tion men med vajer istäl­let för ked­ja.

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Topbetyg från

Recension: Vi testar smart lås från TheiShare

Lås är ju vanligtvis en ganska tråkig produkt men ett måste för att hålla tjuvar borta från våra saker. Men tänk om det fanns ett smart lås som du själv eller flera andra kan använda tillsammans?

Junaid Joosani driver företaget TheiShare där målet är att minska resursslöseri genom delningsekonomi. Därför har han utvecklat ett smart lås som går att använda i en delningspool. Företaget är i ett tidigt stadie men de har testcyklar på plats i Upplands Bro som går att låsa upp med deras smarta lås och app. Man scannar en QR-kod och anger hur länge man vill hyra cykeln och sen är det bara att trampa iväg – supersmidigt.

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CategoriesNews sharing service Smart lock

Mat och Klimat – Att göra samhällsnytta av begagnade cyklar

Stockholmsentreprenören Junaid Joosani har startat en delningsplattform för begagnade cyklar. The I Share AB ska minska resursslöseriet och samtidigt gynna alternativa transportmetoder i coronapandemins spår.

Ett skifte mot hållbara transporter

Verksamheten startade i sommar med hjälp av tio bättre begagnade cyklar tillhandahållna av Urban Recycling – ett företag som reparerar och säljer begagnade cyklar. Tanken är att cyklarna ska ingå i en delningspool där användare sedan enkelt ska kunna få tillgång till dem för en billig peng. Junaid Joosani har utvecklat lås samt en digital plattform för användning av cyklarna.

När jag träffar Junaid på en uteservering i junisolen tio dagar efter start är åtta av cyklarna ute med sina användare i omnejden. Han har valt att lokalisera Stockholmsregionens pilotprojekt i Kungsängen i Upplands-Bro, en plats som han beskriver som “en av de bästa i Sverige”.

Själv bosatt i området har han sett orten utvecklas med stora verksamheter, exempelvis Zalandos lager, men samtidigt har han sett hur biltrafiken ökat markant. Tanken med The I Share AB är att minska trängseln och bidra till ett skifte mot mer hållbara transporter. Han återvänder till begreppet “community”, och syftar till en miljö där medmänniskor hjälps åt.

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Smart LocksCategoriesNews sharing service Smart lock

IT & Hållbarhet – Frekis ger entreprenörer nya möjligheter i pandemin

Nu etablerar sig cykelpoolen ”Theishare” i Kungsängen.

Poolen består av återvunna cyklar och förtjänsten går till en covid-19 fond. Affärsidén bygger på delningsekonomi och att främja ett cirkulärt samhälle där resurser tas tillvara i så hög utsträckning som möjligt. Theishare/Frekis främjar även integration då alla som jobbar i företaget har invandrarbakgrund.

– Att cykla är särskilt smart nu i pandemi-tider eftersom man inte riskerar att bli smittad och det är dessutom bra för hälsan. Många har blivit stillasittande i karantän under våren och har inte kunnat träna i samma utsträckning som tidigare. Med vår cykelpool behöver man inte ens ha en egen cykel utan hyr bara när man behöver den vilket är billigare och mer miljövänligt, säger Junaid Joosani, grundare av Frekis.

Cykelpoolen fungerar precis som en bilpool, där man enkelt bokar cykel via appen Frekis och låser upp den med ett digitalt lås. Cyklarna hämtas upp och lämnas vid Kungsängen station. De första sex månaderna går förtjänsten till en covid-19 fond.

Cyklarna är återvunna och fixade till toppklass, vilket har gjorts i samarbete med Urban ReCycling. Idén bakom samarbetet är att tillhandahålla ett billigt och miljövänligt transportmedel så att säga ”on-demand” i städer.

– Just nu har vi riktigt bra cyklar under omlopp, men vi behöver fler. Efterfrågan är hög så har ni någon cykel stående där hemma som ni inte använder och kan skänka så tveka inte att höra av er till oss så kommer vi och hämtar den, säger Muhammad Ben Khalifa som har hand om uthyrningsverksamheten i Kungsängen.

– De som hyr cyklar via appen ska veta att de förutom att bidra till att bekämpa covid-19 även stöttar en lokal entreprenör och bidrar till ett levande lokalsamhälle, säger Junaid.

Med hjälp av appen Frekis och ett antal cyklar kan egentligen vem som helst starta en cykelpool, vilket kan vara en god idé om man t ex förlorat sitt jobb pga pandemin.

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CategoriesNews sharing service Smart lock

Mitti – Nya smarta låset: Nu kan alla skapa sin egen cykelpool

Bro-företagaren Junaid Joosani ville göra en insats för hälsa och miljö. Nu har han tagit fram ett smart lås som gör att alla lätt kan dela cyklar med varandra.

– Mitt mål är att hjälpa samhället och få föreningar och andra att skapa egna cykelpooler, säger han.

Det nya låset öppnas med en app i mobilen som också visar om cykeln är ledig och var den befinner sig. I Upplands-Bro har företagaren Junaid Joosani på försök startat en cykelpool med tio återvunna cyklar som rustats upp och försetts med det nya låset. Poolen lanserades 8 juni och man har redan 25 betalande användare. Ännu fler har varit inne och tittat på appen.

Vill växa

Men Junaid hoppas att både föreningar och småföretag ska nappa på idén.

– Långsiktigt vill vi att ideella föreningar och bostadsrättföreningar ska starta egna pooler. De kan tjäna egna pengar på det

Allt man behöver är att köpa låset, sedan är mjukvaran gratis säger han.


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CategoriesNews Tips & Tricks

Create your sustainable brand in an easy way with TheiShare

Get sustainable exposure!

Become your own operator or donate your (old) bike to an existing operator. Let’s try to explain what this can mean for people and for cities

Sustainable lifecycle of bikes to boost cities or communities

Our service enables very accessible sustainable advertising. This is a concept where potential customers use some product(s) branded by companies for free or at super cheap price. Whenever consumers use branded products, it increases awareness about the company. 

TheiShare vision is based on sustainability. We have come up with an idea where assets can be shared and reused by anyone. Those who share can get the maximum exposure anywhere they choose with very little effort.

Our technology creates job opportunities for locals and provide on demand public transport at cheap rates says Junaid, creator of theiShare

Quick Comparison

Assumption: If a city has a population of 1Million and 100K travel every day and everyone sees an advertisement for at least 10 times a day. 

If bikes are properly maintained by operators then bikes can stay on roads at least 2 years but let’s assume 365days  lifetime of bike. 

If one bike with TheiShare lock costs 3000 SEK. With a 70K budget at least 23 bikes with Theishare locks will be bought. 

TheiShare impression would be 23bikes*365days*12(rents a day)*100K*10

  Billboard or put ads on public transport or stations Online Media like Facebook, google etc. TheiShare sustainable advertisement
Budget  70K per week  70K per week  70K (lifetime)
Impression(s) Minimum 7Million impression per week Minimum 7 billion impression during campaign  Minimum 1 Trillion impressions during one year
Viewers benefit None None Viewers may rent bikes
Local Job creation None None Jobs for operators, they can maintain fleet and earn from renting out
Target campaign  Location specific Only online (if user use their smartphones) Several Locations (they can see bikes with company logos anywhere ) as bike roam freely as well as online (when they use frekis app , bikes with company logo will be shown on map too. 
Environment Negative  Neutral  Positive ( Provide carbon free on demand transport, increase reusability ) 

Donate a bike or fleet to local operator(s)

If you are interested to donate a fleet or promote your brand via our current fleet then contact us, we can connect you with local TheiShare operators. Here is a list of local TheiShare Operators.

Smart bike lock systemCategoriesNews sharing service Smart lock

Geeky Gadgets – TheiShare bike smart lock with alarm and app

TheiShare bike smart lock with alarm and app from $44

TheiShare is a new smart bike lock equipped with an integrated antitheft alarm and sharing technology allowing you to receive notification directly to your smartphone when the lock is tampered with. Thanks to the smartphone companion application the TheiShare also features GPS tagging, real-time riding data analysis, bike crash alarm, geo-fencing and more. Watch the demonstration video below to see the smart bike talk in action. The team responsible for creating the smart lock explain little more about its inspiration, design and features.
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